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EES Delta

Many school districts are experiencing stagnating or declining student outcomes, highlighting an urgent need for innovative educational strategies and interventions to reverse this trend and enhance academic achievement.

The Problem

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Interested in learning more about EES Delta?

EES Delta is a comprehensive system for common formative assessment and differentiated tools for mathematics instruction available for Kindergarten through Algebra I. This automated tool supports differentiated small group instruction, individualized learning, and curriculum-aligned spiral practice. By collaborating with EES Innovation's math team, you not only enhance student outcomes but also boost the effectiveness and efficiency of educators. Our suite of common formative assessment and differentiation tools for mathematics instruction facilitates this elevation.

The Solution

Interested in learning more about EES Delta?

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“Delta has helped us fill a big void in not only tracking mastery of math standards, but also providing data to pinpoint which math skills students need more explicit instruction and practice on in order to achieve mastery.”

 -North Lawrence Community Schools

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